
10 Weeks!!

This week has been kind of crazy. We went to have an ultrasound done of her hip and the Doctor said that it is looking better. We have to wear the brace for napping and bedtime right now. We go back on the 19th for a check up. She is drooling like crazy now. We went to a check up clinic yesterday and she weighs 13 pounds now, and she said that she is drooling so much now because her syliva (sp?) is coming in now and doesn't know she is suppose to sallow (sp?, I am having a brain freeze) it yet. I go back to work on Monday. I am trying to stay positive about it. Emma is getting to such a fun stage now that it is hard to leave, but it will all work out. I just realized that I took tons of pictures this week, so bare with me.

I just had to buy Emma some sun glasses. . .

Here's another bath, I think she is still trying to figure out what is going on . . .

Grandma & Emma playing . . .
Great-Grandma, Grandma, Emma & myself were had intended on going shopping on Wednesday. The weather was kind of bad, so we decided to go to lunch at Applebee's instead.

She got tired, so had to take a nap . . .

Got home and still sleeping . . .
Playing in her bouncy chair (she is getting the hang of it). . .

Typical look, one sock on - one off . . .

Mom, Dad & Emma playing . . .

Here is her new chair. She much rather sit up now and see what is going on . . .

maybe doing some exercises?

She just got a exersaucer thing. They say she might still be to young for it, but she is doing great. Of course I am by her side the whole time, in case.

ohhh, how cute!!


a&e said...

Annie, Emma is SO cute!! I'm so happy for you both as you continue to enjoy the wonderfulness of parenthood. Keep the great pictures coming - I will be checking often because I don't get to see her or you very often! Thinking of you! -Erica

Anonymous said...

Annie & Derek (mostly Annie) thanks for keeping the blog. I think it is a great idea and I will be checking in through out the week to see new pictures. I hope this week hasn't been too stressful going back to work.
