
Introducing Jonathan Henry!!

Jonathan Henry birthday was September 5th. Weighing 9 pounds and 7 ounces, and 21 inches long. Here are a few pics for now to hold everyone over. We are all doing well. Thank you to everyone who has visited/called. We have a great support system out there!!

Here is Emma and cousin Ali at the hospital.
Here is Jonathan already to go home for the first time!
Derek snapped this pic. Isn't it cute!
Here is Jonathan at 10 days old.

Here is a pic of me seeing him for the first time down in the operating room.This was taken shortly after he was born.
A cute pic of the big sister!
My wonderful family!
Here is jonathan in the warmer.


a&e said...

Congrats, Annie! I've been thinking about you and your family. Emily told me when he was born and I'm so happy for you! You have a beautiful family. Enjoy your time at home. Thanks for the pictures! :)

Emily Nelson said...

He is SOOOOO cute! Thanks so much for the updated photos! We have to come see him again soon - like next week maybe? :)

Emily Nelson said...

I can't believe baby jonathan is already over a month old! If you get the chance we woul dlove some updated photos!!! Hopefully we will see him in person tomorrow. ;)